The Project
SomaLogic delivers actionable health insights based on patient’s proteins. By analyzing over 5,000 proteins from a lab sample, SomaLogic can predict a patient’s health trajectory across a number of insights including cardiac, diabetes, organ function, and lifestyle. SomaLogic is exploring the possibility of a patient facing product. As part of this exploration, I created a testable prototype of a patient facing web application.
My Role
As a contracted UX/UI designer, I created a prototype of a product that would allow patients to learn about SomaLogic insights, order a test, and interpret their health results.
Key Screens
Next Steps
In order to evaluate the patient prototype, SomaLogic will conduct in person user testing.
User Testing Goal: Gain an understanding of prospective patients’ outlooks, opinions & motivations towards participating in protein analysis.
Test the effectiveness of patient prototype:
Is the overall purpose of the product easy to understand?
Are the results easy to understand?
Are the next steps motivating?
Identify any points of confusion or opportunities.
User Testing Methodology: In person interviews utilizing the prototype for task analysis style questions, followed by survey questions.
For example:
Take a minute to review the home page. How would you explain this application to someone else?
Take a few minutes to review the results of your protein analysis. As if I am a family member or friend on the phone, explain your results to me.
What questions do you have about your results?